Sunday, August 25, 2013

USB-powered BB sniper rifle takes down anything at 8m from your desk

Did you want to be a marine but landed up being an IT professional? Do you still bear that instinct of shooting everything that annoys you? If your answer is in the affirmative, then this miniature USB-powered BB sniper rifle is the perfect toy you’d been looking for to shoot that marketing guy who keeps pricking you throughout the day. The desktop gun is made to fire BBs, it has an onboard camera (above the barrel) so you can use your laptop/computers screen as viewfinder to fire BBs (at 30m/s velocity) at anything that’s about 8m in range from your desk.
The adjustable barrel USB-powered BB sniper rifle can come in handy to defend yourself against insurgents and annoying interns, besides killing your boredom at work. A great tool to harass your co-workers, the $100 sniper rifle takes power from your computing device via USB port.

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